tripkit-android / com.skedgo.tripkit.common.util / PolyUtil / isLocationOnEdge


open static fun isLocationOnEdge(point:TripKitLatLng!, polygon:MutableList<TripKitLatLng!>!, geodesic:Boolean, tolerance:Double):Boolean

Computes whether the given point lies on or near the edge of a polygon, within a specified tolerance in meters. The polygon edge is composed of great circle segments if geodesic is true, and of Rhumb segments otherwise. The polygon edge is implicitly closed -- the closing segment between the first point and the last point is included.

open static fun isLocationOnEdge(point:TripKitLatLng!, polygon:MutableList<TripKitLatLng!>!, geodesic:Boolean):Boolean

Same as `[#isLocationOnEdge(TripKitLatLng, List, boolean, double)`](./ with a default tolerance of 0.1 meters.