TripKit SDK for Android

Using the TripKit SDK, you can quickly integrate SkedGo's award-winning trip planning platform with your own application in a matter of minutes.


To begin, you'll need an API key to use our web service. You can get an API key from our Developer Page.

First, add the Maven repository to the list in build.gradle:

repositories {  
    maven { url "" }

TripKit supports Android apps running Android 4.0.3 and above. To make sure that it works in your Android app, please specify minSdkVersion in your build.gradle file:

android {
  defaultConfig {
    minSdkVersion 16

Get a Google Maps API key from Google Maps Platform and make sure to enable the Places API. Then add the Google Maps API key on your project's Manifest

<manifest package="....

          android:value="YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" />



Then, you'll need to add your TripGo API key. TripKit expects the key to be provided as R.string.skedgo_api_key, so you can either add it to your strings.xml file, or use resValue in Gradle, or perhaps another way.

Finally, add libraries to your dependencies. Check with SkedGo for the latest version number.

For TripKit only

dependencies {
// ...
    implementation 'com.github.skedgo:tripkit-android:<insert-newest-version-here>'

Create TripKit instance to access TripKit's services

We recommend to have an Application subclass. Next, in the onCreate() method, you can initiate following setup:

class App : Application() {
  override fun onCreate() {

            .key { key }

    val httpClientModule = HttpClientModule(null, null, configs)

    val tripKit = DaggerTripKit.builder()

    TripKit.initialize(this, tripKit)            

For TripKitUI (also includes TripKit)

dependencies {
// ...
    implementation 'com.github.skedgo:tripkit-android-ui:<insert-newest-version-here>'

Create TripKitUI instance to access both TripKitUI and TripKit services

We recommend to have an Application subclass. Next, in the onCreate() method, you can initiate following setup:

class App : Application() {
  override fun onCreate() {

    val baseConfig = TripKitUI.buildTripKitConfig(applicationContext, Key.ApiKey("api_key_here"))
    val httpClientModule = HttpClientModule(null, BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME, baseConfig, getSharedPreferences("data_pref_name", MODE_PRIVATE))

    val appConfigs = TripKitConfigs.builder().from(baseConfig).build()
    TripKitUI.initialize(this, Key.ApiKey("api_key_here"), appConfigs, httpClientModule)       