tripkit-android / com.skedgo.tripkit.routing

Package com.skedgo.tripkit.routing


Name Summary
Availability enum class Availability
ExtraQueryMapProvider A decorator that puts additional query params into the query map that is supplied into `[A2bRoutingApi](../com.skedgo.tripkit.a2brouting/-a2b-routing-api/ Note that you should only use this when you really do know what you intend to do.interface ExtraQueryMapProvider`
GroupVisibility class GroupVisibility
LocalCost abstract class LocalCost : Parcelable
LocalCostAccuracy enum class LocalCostAccuracy
ModeInfo open class ModeInfo : Parcelable
Occupancy enum class Occupancy
Provider abstract class Provider : Parcelable
RealTimeVehicle open class RealTimeVehicle : Parcelable
RoutingResponse open class RoutingResponse
SegmentActionTemplates class SegmentActionTemplates
SegmentJsonKeys class SegmentJsonKeys
SegmentNotesTemplates class SegmentNotesTemplates
SegmentType enum class SegmentType
ServiceColor class ServiceColor : Parcelable
Shape open class Shape : Parcelable
Source abstract class Source : Parcelable
Templates class Templates
Trip A [`Trip`](-trip/ will mainly hold a list ofTripSegments which denotes how to go from [`Trip#getFrom()`](-trip/ toTrip#getTo(). open class Trip :ITimeRange
TripComparators class TripComparators
TripGroup Represents a list of [`Trip`](-trip/ A list ofTrips comprises of a display trip (aka representative trip) and alternative trips. A display trip can be accessed via [`#getDisplayTrip()`](-trip-group/ while alternative trips can be retrieved via#getTrips() minus [`#getDisplayTrip()`](-trip-group/ That's because#getTrips() returns a list of `[Trip](-trip/ including alternative trips and display class TripGroup`
TripGroupComparators class TripGroupComparators
TripSegment To go from A to B, sometimes we have to travel X, Y, Z locations between A and B. That means, we travel A to X, then X to Y, then Y to Z, then Z to B which is the destination. To show how to travel from A to X, we use [`TripSegment`](-trip-segment/ So, in this case, a trip from A to B comprises 6 segments: - A segment whose type isSegmentType#DEPARTURE. - A segment from A to X. - A segment from X to Y. - A segment from Y to Z. - A segment from Z to B. - A segment whose type is `[SegmentType#ARRIVAL](-segment-type/ class TripSegment : [IRealTimeElement](../com.skedgo.tripkit.common.agenda/-i-real-time-element/, [ITimeRange`](../com.skedgo.tripkit.common.model/-i-time-range/
TripSegments class TripSegments
TurnByTurn enum class TurnByTurn
VehicleComponent abstract class VehicleComponent
VehicleDrawables class VehicleDrawables
VehicleMode As of v11, this denotes local transport icons.class VehicleMode
Visibilities class Visibilities

Extensions for External Classes

Name Summary


Name Summary
actionAlert valTripSegment.actionAlert:RealtimeAlert?
dateTimeZone valLocation.dateTimeZone: DateTimeZone
endDateTime Get an end date-time with time-zone.valTrip.endDateTime: DateTime
valTripSegment.endDateTime: DateTime
noActionAlerts valTripSegment.noActionAlerts:List<RealtimeAlert!>?
SimilarLocationDegreeDifference const val SimilarLocationDegreeDifference:Double
startDateTime Gets a start date-time with time-zone.valTrip.startDateTime: DateTime
valTripSegment.startDateTime: DateTime


Name Summary
constructPlainText funTrip.constructPlainText(context: Context):String
containsAnyMode funTripGroup.containsAnyMode(modeIds:List<String>):Boolean
containsMode funTripGroup.containsMode(modeId:String):Boolean
getModeIds funTrip.getModeIds():List<String>
getSummarySegments Gets a list of TripSegments visible on the summary area of a Trip.funTrip.getSummarySegments():List<TripSegment>
getTrip funTripGroup.getTrip(tripId:Long):Trip?
getTripSegment funTrip.getTripSegment(segmentId:Long):TripSegment?
hasWalkOnly funTrip.hasWalkOnly():Boolean
isNear funLocation.isNear(location:Location):Boolean
toInt funServiceColor.toInt(alpha:Int):Int