tripkit-android / / TripKitMapFragment


open class TripKitMapFragment :LocationEnhancedMapFragment, OnInfoWindowClickListener, OnMapLongClickListener, OnCameraChangeListener, OnMarkerClickListener

A map component for an app. It automatically integrates with SkedGo's backend, display transit information without any additional intervention. Being a fragment, it can very easily be added to an activity's layout.


Your app must provide a TripGo API token as R.string.skedgo_api_key.


Name Summary
OnInfoWindowClickListener When an icon in the map is clicked, an information window is displayed. When that information window is clicked, this interface is used as a callback to notify the app of the click.interface OnInfoWindowClickListener


Name Summary
<init> A map component for an app. It automatically integrates with SkedGo's backend, display transit information without any additional intervention. Being a fragment, it can very easily be added to an activity's layout.

<fragment android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:id="@+id/map" android:name=""/> <br>
Your app must provide a TripGo API token as R.string.skedgo_api_key.TripKitMapFragment() |


Name Summary
animateToMyLocation open fun animateToMyLocation():Unit
onAttach open fun onAttach(context: Context):Unit
onCameraChange open fun onCameraChange(position: CameraPosition!):Unit
onCreate open fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?):Unit
onDestroy open fun onDestroy():Unit
onInfoWindowClick open fun onInfoWindowClick(marker: Marker!):Unit
onLocationAddressDecoded open fun onLocationAddressDecoded(locationTag: LocationTag!):Unit
onLocationSelected open fun onLocationSelected(locationTag: LocationTag!):Unit
onMapLongClick open fun onMapLongClick(point: LatLng!):Unit
onMarkerClick open fun onMarkerClick(marker: Marker!):Boolean
onPause open fun onPause():Unit
onResume open fun onResume():Unit
setInfoWindowAdapter If we do not specify our own implementation, GoogleMap will fall back to its default implementation for fun setInfoWindowAdapter(infoWindowAdapter: InfoWindowAdapter!):Unit
setOnInfoWindowClickListener open fun setOnInfoWindowClickListener(listener: OnInfoWindowClickListener!):Unit